Friday, June 24, 2011


Yes, I'm guilty! Guilty of being lazy to write on my blog or even do the task list I've been staring at the past weeks. I spent the last 2 months doing different stuff: preparing for my sister's bridal shower party and eventually her wedding. Check-ups, ultrasound, condo viewing, listing it down doesn't make me feel like I've done nothing at all.... still my list has been stagnant for months now (*sigh*).

Here's the highlight of the last 2 months on my pregnancy though:
Week: 26th
Current weight: 170 lbs
Tummy Line: 43 inches

I gained a lot and from the last ultrasound the baby is quite big for its normal gestational weight. Its a bit worrying since I'm planning to have a normal delivery and my OB feels that if the baby grows bigger she will recommend CS, which I definitely want to avoid.

My target is to at least do some walking soon but the bad weather these past weeks limits my chance to do some workout. I need to find other ways though, since I feel I'm becoming weak each day and the pain on my back is increasing which already gives a little discomfort when sleeping.

In the next 2 weeks, we will have another ultrasound. This time our OB gave the instruction to see the palate since baby Ash was hiding it the last time. I am pretty sure everything will be fine, all healthy and normal. Hubby and I are excited to see him again! Plus July will be our shopping month, I got a list already from Baby & Co. will just need to find the best place to buy these stuff. I'm doing some research on it and will post the list soon!

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